Welcome to our site! We are very excited to have you stop by! Peace and Gratitude offers a wide variety of high quality jewelry all made in the USA. From charms, bracelets, and necklaces, our jewelry is made to order. We offer have beautiful designs and some inspiring words to add to your personal style.
With this blog, not only will we showcase featured items, but we also want to focus on achieving an attitude of gratitude. Here at Peace and Gratitude, we believe that having a fulfilled life begins with being in the here and now and being grateful for it all.
Also please join our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailypeaceandgratitudegroup/
We hope that this group will grow with like-minded folks who are interested in all things relating to living life to their greatest potential.
We welcome feedback, and if anyone would like to share how they show, or trying to achieve the attitude of gratitude, please do so!
Until next time, cheers!